ICF Hamburg in English
Live English translation on Sundays 12:00 pm – just bring your mobile and earphones
We offer Explore and Get Free Day in English
There are hangouts like lunch after celebrations and Special Events
NEXT EVENT: Hang On! To be announced!
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Live English translation on Sundays 12:00 pm – just bring your mobile and earphones
Welcome! If you are interested in ICF Hamburg, but you do not speak German, this will not be a problem. We provide an English translation service for the 12 a.m. Celebration. You can get more information on our Telegram channel:
You need to install the app LiveVoice on the device you would like to listen in with. Once installed, please use the code: 676301
Also, remember to bring your own headset, we recommend noise-cancelling earphones.
Translation will start with the message, so you can all enjoy worship beforehand and get ready to log in for the preaching.
Explore – course of 8 evenings
What if it was true? What if the mainstream opinion is just wrong?
We want to stop asking ourselves „What if?“ and just try it out. What if God is real? If prayer really works? If our community can reach an level of solidarity and love we never thought was possible?
Come with us on one of the greatest adventures of your life: explore God. Very practically. We take more time and go in search of him in small groups. Because God cannot be squeezed into one evening. Join an adventure with God and experience what faith and church are all about!
We are looking forward to go on this journey with you.
Get Free Day
Living in freedom. FREE! Learn, how can God help you? Experience together with a prayer partner what divine freedom really feels like. Allow yourself to spend an intensive time with God in which you reflect on individual areas of life and get to know God anew as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. And then make the freedom that Jesus promises you your lifestyle and get started with God’s unlimited possibilities!
Community and hangout – Go out for lunch with us after the celebration
There is a hangout after 2nd celebration in which we as English speaking Community are joining. We would love you to join in.
Location can be found in German Telegram Channel or just talk to the guy holding the sign „hangout“ at the stairs after the celebration
Special Events – one time only
We offer English translation on special events, which usually happen only one time. Like our Translation for our famous Christmas Musical

Please find here news and next events relevant for our international community:
02.03.2025 – 11:30 am & 1:30 pm Welcome to Church Party – Get to know our English offerings and the team – Link to German Site
December 2025 – Christmas Musical with English Translation – to be announced
Join the team
Do you only want to attend our service/celebration ?
Fine, but what about joining our team?
We are team of English speakers who serve international visitors like you!!
We translate our services, documents and songs and provide help and support for the international community of ICF Hamburg.
There are several opportunities to get to know us as a team and what we do.
So get involved and give a hand. Not a single word of German is needed (OK, maybe ‚Bitte‘ and ‘Danke’)!

ICF Church
ICF is a global church, which originates in Switzerland / Europe. There are churches almost on all continents.