We believe that the tangible presence of Jesus will increase significantly in the near future and that as a result many people in this region will come to believe in him.
In response to this, we want to prepare ourselves as a church so that people can find a home at ICF Passau where they can become more like Jesus and, based on this, positively change their environment.
ICF Passau should be a place where Jesus finds people who are full of longing for more of him. A place where he finds his friends. FOCUS ON JESUS.
The next step is our weekly celebrations at Blackstage, for which we need resources in the areas of cooperation, finances and prayer, and where YOU come into play!
We are looking for 100 hearts
Who want to be boldly involved in this vision in all three areas, finances, participation and prayer!

Before every celebration at the Blackstage
10:00 – 10:30 in the celebration hall

Technics & Logistics
Lukas Gramalla

Communication & Design
Luca Lörz

Magdalena and Kyle Baugher

Marlena Stieglbauer

Kids & Family
Malin Gramalla and Julietta Afangbedji

Jonathan Küssner

Welcome Home
Franziska Meyer

Finja Böhm

Bank Transfer
Account Holder: ICF Passau
IBAN: DE52 5206 0410 1203 4052 22
Purpose: Mein Herz + your address

100 Hearts is part of this year’s Reach campaign. The target amount will be used exclusively for the 100 Hearts project.
But we also want to be generous for projects beyond that and think outside the box. For information on the other Reach projects, click here.
Focus on Jesus
“Lord our God, all this abundance that we have provided for building you a temple for your Holy Name comes from your hand, and all of it belongs to you.”
1 Chronicles 29:16