Discover the church. Experience God.
Explore offers you the opportunity to continue on your journey with God – no matter where you are right now. Experience community and try out new things – because we don’t just want to talk about God, we want to experience him! Explore is for anyone who wants to discover and try out new things. You are welcome to participate as an existing small group or you can use Explore to find a small group for yourself.
Together we will explore the importance of God in our everyday lives and the power of taking Him seriously. In doing so, we become practical: we not only look at the theoretical foundations of the Christian faith, but also bring them to life. Because God cannot be squeezed into one evening, we take ten intensive weeks to go in search of Him. And because it’s simply more fun together, we go on this journey in small groups. Together you can also look forward to a team challenge and a Love Changes campaign that you will start as a group. You and your leader will agree on when and how to organize the two dates during Explore.
Dare an adventure with God and experience what church is all about!
Getting started!
Experience God as mother and father
Experience prayer in a different way
Rediscover the Bible
Rediscover Jesus for yourself
Experience freedom
Rediscover the Holy Spirit
Experience God as your provider
Be a blessing bringer
Bring in your gifts
Next Explore Dates
ExploreKirche entdecken. Gott erleben.
Neugier. Tiefgang. Einfach mal machen. Das ist Explore.
Ist Gott real? Funktioniert Gebet tatsächlich? Kann Gemeinschaft eine ungeahnte Tiefe erreichen?
Komm mit uns auf eines der größten Abenteuer deines Lebens: Erforsche Gott. Ganz praktisch.
Kosten: ca. 5,00€ für das Explore Booklet
Anmeldeschluss: 18.03.2025