Making a difference in life by the power of God – who doesn’t want that? But how does God want me to do that? What does it mean to live according to the principles of God’s kingdom and by doing so change this world? At IMPACT, you will learn what treasures the kingdom of God has in store for you. Day by day, you will become more comfortable with your divine identity and discover divine opportunities to celebrate victories in every area of your life.
You have already taken part in Explore and Get Free and want to take another step in becoming more like Jesus and following Him?!
Then join us for this upcoming session in Passau.
Do you have questions about Impact? Then ask us at
The Bible describes that we can already live in the Kingdom of God now. The Kingdom of God operates according to completely different principles than the world we are used to. And the key to a life in the Kingdom of God – a life with impact – is to know, understand, and live by the principles of God’s Kingdom. Together with your group, you will discover what you are truly made for: a life that trains you to take responsibility in God’s Kingdom. A life that shapes this world according to God’s principles and expands His Kingdom.
With your group, you will embark on a 14-week journey where you will learn more about your identity as a son or daughter and train for a divine lifestyle.
Each IMPACT cycle consists of 14 consecutive evenings that build on one another. Each evening takes place live on-site with all participants. On the remaining days of the week, you prepare independently using your Impact book for the next evening.
Online participation is also possible. Therefore, when registering for IMPACT, you decide whether to participate live on-site for the 14 evenings or join online.
The weekly Impact meeting lasts about 2 to 2.5 hours. Each week, you watch a preparation video that is 40 to 60 minutes long. That’s quite little when you consider how much time we spend daily on social media or watching TV ;)
Additionally, you deepen the video content with the help of 2 sessions in your Impact book. We recommend scheduling about 30 minutes for that.
If your Impact leader offers a self-managed cycle, you can, of course, freely decide when, how, and where to meet.
Simply register via the homepage.
Come to the weekly meetings.
In principle, yes. Impact is a lifestyle that you can live in your daily life at any time, both alone and with others. In this case, please register as a self-managed group so that we have an overview of the existing cycles and can possibly support you with additional materials.
However, we highly recommend participating in an official cycle.
Why? Because you will experience live prayer and worship together every week, exciting experiences, inspiring praise reports, and see how you are strengthened through community. Additionally, as a leader, you benefit from briefings and debriefings on the corresponding evenings and can request prayer support from an experienced team when needed.
It is advisable to create playfields for experienced group members, focusing on following up with participants who had to miss a meeting.
It is also recommended to divide the group into pairs. Between your Impact meetings, the respective partners can call each other and encourage and motivate one another.
Next Impact sessions
ImpactKraftvoll glauben, entschlossen leben
Durch Gottes Kraft einen Unterschied im Leben machen – wer will das nicht? Doch wie stellt Gott sich das für mich vor? Was bedeutet es, nach Prinzipien von Gottes Reich zu leben und dadurch diese Welt zu verändern?
Bei IMPACT lernst du, welche Schätze das Reich Gottes für dich bereithält. Tag für Tag findest du dich besser zurecht in deiner göttlichen Identität und entdeckst göttliche Möglichkeiten, um in jedem Bereich deines Lebens Siege zu feiern.
Du hast bereits Explore und Get Free gemacht und möchtest einen weiteren Schritt gehen, Jesus ähnlicher zu werden und ihm nachzufolgen?!
Dann sei bei unserem Passauer Durchgang dabei. Melde dich direkt an und lerne im Reich Gottes zu leben.
Kosten: 15,00€ für das Impact Booklet
Anmeldeschluss: 09.03.2025