We are a church in a beginning phase! We want to impact our city (Niterói) with the love of Jesus Christ.
Through this sponsorship program we become a part of the answer of many people in Brazil. We become one with God’s heart for the needs of our society. Through Camps, Events and expansion of our houses, we enable people to get to know Jesus. No matter what your possibilities are: each one of us can do something and through this make a difference. Hereafter we will present the individual projects. We warmly invite you to become part of ICF Rio Sponsorship Program. Imagine what we can do together!
Thank you for your prayers and you financial support.
Paulo & Lisa Cordeiro & Bruno Cordeiro
Pastors, ICF Rio de Janeiro

Through our location we can be at the hearth beat of our city
We have a new location in the center of residential and commercial area from Niterói city. This is a very privilege place with a visible building with a very advantage costs because of corona crisis. Although we have some many costs advantages, we still have a challenge with the payment of the rent. If you to help us with this topic we want to save money for 3 months location maintenances costs as well as do new modification to place more people in the location.

Location costs………………………Total 4100€
We still in a very beginning phase of church planting. Although we are almost 2 year on the run, we had some difficulties with the topic location and finances. We count on a church with very young people and students. They don’t have the finance available to invest in the church. In spite of this situation, we have a very generous church. The new location was a step by faith and today we can cover all maintenance costs, but we cannot live in a freedom mode because we are very tight in terms of budget. We want with your help to build 3 months saving location costs in order to have a safety and no pressure in term of church revenue.
Expansion of gallery………………Total 1700€
In our new location we can fit almost 100 people inside which is a amazing! But we want to expand our places and build a gallery on the second floor for more 30 places. This is a dream!
More colors in the church……….Total 800€
We are in the final phase of the first adaptation of new location. Unfortunately, we don’t have budget to paint our church. We have the workforce available but not material. With your help we can have a very beautiful painted church.

Through our camps two times a year, we present for kids and youth the story of salvation
Every year in January and July since 2005, the ACAMP ministry is a blessing for many children and teenagers of our city. The base of people in ICF Rio is result of this long-term investment in discipleship. Camps are powerful tools to get deep in relationship and to show the love of God. Be part of it and do it possible with your finances.

Start Capital………………………..Total 2500€
In the year 2019 we took over the responsibility to drive the ACAMP ministry. It was a very strong step in faith because of its dimension. We started the camp without any capital and the profit of this year was invested in the new location project. We want to reach this amount of money to get the camps again in the year 2021 and go on impacting lives for Jesus.
Social Camp Week…………………Total 1300€
In the year 2015 we started for the first time a social camp with children from Favela in partnership with a local social project. It was amazing and they were so impacted with Jesus but in term of payment we do only a symbolic price but the quality and programing still the same for them.
Participants Sponsorship………..Total 800€
We have children and teenager from different backgrounds that cannot attend to the camp because of their financial situation. Every year we straggle with this topic and we count with the generosity of friends that invest in their lives in order to reach them for Jesus.

Through diverse events, we can reach people with the love of God
During the year 2019, we reach more than 400 people in our worship night, traditional Brazilian party and Christmas Experience. We love to spread the message of Jesus in our public spaces. With your support we enable to implement events in the next year which is so powerful for the growth of our church as well as to reach new people for Jesus.
Worship Night……………….Total: 400€
We want to have some Worship Nights events during the week. This is a great possibility to get more people together and praise him. In the year 2019 we hat the first worship night and we got 300 people praying and worshiping together. It was amazing.
Christmas Experience……..Total: 1200€
This is one of great time of the year which we can invite our friends that do not know Jesus for an experience outside our location. We had a partnership with a open public theater of the city and we can organize events twice a year.
Can you imagine investing into the projects mentioned above and giving a firm financial assurance for the current year? If so, we invite you to register for a monthly commitment.

Here you can donate with your credit card. The donation will be securely processed on the web page of our payment partner Stripe:

Donate by bank transfer in Germany: Here you will find all the information you need.
You will receive a donation receipt by us, but please state the purpose of use ICF Rio.
We look forward to your donation:
Bank Account: ICF Südamerika e.V.
IBAN: DE40710900000000195936
Purpose: ICF RIO + deine Adresse