As a family new to the ICF?
Welcome! We want to help parents and their children feel at home in the ICF as soon as possible.
We support families with courses, events and other activities so that they can master the challenges of everyday life. We encourage parents to place God at the heart of their marriage and family life so that they and their children can flourish and experience their faith in God in a positive, natural and inspiring way.
„But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.“
Joshua 24,15

Specially for families
Family Chat
Family Chat is a video talk that inspires parents for a real and healthy family life.
We don’t talk “about difficult children” - but about sometimes challenging situations and how we can act as parents - with God as our resource.
From September 2021 - always on the third Monday of the month - 8:00 p.m. on YouTube ICF Church - Zurich
Family Coaching
The aim of parent coaching is that it helps to relieve the parents and at the same time encourages them to take their responsibility fully and to get involved again and again.
It does not start with the child, but with the basic parental attitudes. It enables parents to experience everyday parenting beyond everyday educational life as a spiritual path.
Start autumn 2021. Further information will follow.
Contact address: Alexa Zulauf
Events & Contact
All parents who have decided to dedicate their children come together as a mark of thanks to God for entrusting them with a precious life. You are also welcome to join this special celebration. When making a decision to dedicate your child to Jesus, you are placing this beautiful gift in His hands, asking Him to fill you with His divine wisdom that would help you to bring up your child. You are most welcome to invite anyone to celebrate this joyous occasion with you and your family. Please fill in the online Child Dedication Form (register link below).
All parents who have decided to dedicate their children come together as a mark of thanks to God for entrusting them with a precious life. You are also welcome to join this special celebration. When making a decision to dedicate your child to Jesus, you are placing this beautiful gift in His hands, asking Him to fill you with His divine wisdom that would help you to bring up your child. You are most welcome to invite anyone to celebrate this joyous occasion with you and your family. Please fill in the online Child Dedication Form (register link below).
Contact persons for families:
Marianne und Daniel Nüesch For more Infos about our Kids-Programm contact our ICF Kids Team.