You live outside of Zurich but still want to be part of the Church Online Family? People meet in Micro Churches in many different places. Families and teams open their living rooms for friends, neighbors and people from their surroundings or they meet in other locations to experience ICF Zurich Celebrations, eat and drink together, share their lives and become more like Jesus.
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Are you interested in starting an Micro Church, click the following link:
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FAQ – Starting a Micro Church
1. What are the conditions for starting a Micro Church?
You need at least one man and one woman who will act as leaders and are willing to provide a living room or another space where people can come on Sundays to celebrate.
The Micro Church meets regularly so that people can rely on its occurrence.
In the process of becoming a Micro Church, there are two courses (Coming Home Group and ICF Leadership Training) that will help you as a leader to get to know ICF and serve as a foundation for effectively leading your Micro Church.
2. How does it work exactly and what do you need for it?
This can vary greatly. Many Micro Churches start with coffee and sometimes even breakfast before transitioning into the Celebration. Others start with the Celebration and then have lunch together. Some do not include any meals at all.
The focus is on building community, which is why many incorporate meals.
3. How many people are needed to start a Micro Church?
The requirement is 2 people, a man and a woman who act as leaders and are open to new people.
4. What are the costs and how do donations work?
It costs nothing to start a Micro Church and become part of ICF Zurich.
One of our values is generosity, and we believe that a tenth of the income should be donated to the Church. This also applies to those who are part of a Micro Church, so a tenth goes to ICF in Zurich. If there are costs for the Micro Church, this can be discussed with ICF Zurich.
If donations come from Germany, we can issue a donation receipt.
5. What support do we get for organization, legal matters, etc.? How is one connected?
Micro Church leaders form their own community and are in constant exchange. We now have over 80 leaders in these groups.
Leaders are assigned to coaching groups to encourage each other, challenge each other, and pray together for concerns.
Each week, you will receive a video that includes all Micro Churches in what is happening this Sunday. The video is shared by Thursday evening via the Micro Church Telegram group.
6. What technology do we need for streaming and through which program does it run?
This depends somewhat on the size of the Micro Church. In most cases, a television is sufficient.
If there are more people, a small sound system might be useful to amplify the sound, but this largely depends on your needs.
7. Do I have to stream a specific Celebration and does it have to be on Sunday?
You can host the Micro Church on another day of the week. If this is the case, ICF Zurich can provide the stream. However, our experience shows that Sunday morning is the best time for a Micro Church.
Any Celebration can be streamed. Our Celebrations are in different languages:
•9:30 AM High German
•11:30 AM & 7:00 PM Swiss German
•5:00 PM English