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The current
Serie at ICF
Previous Series

Open Topic (EN)
12. February 2023 – 16. February 2025

In the series "Open Topic" you will find old and new faces on stage. Sunday Night Pastor Joël Vögeli, Senior Pastor Andreas Pantli from ICF Hamburg and many more share their heart topics with us.
Awakening - rekindling faith
22. December 2024 – 26. January 2025

Christmas Celebrations – 2024 (EN)
1. – 22. December 2024

The contemplative season of Advent opens the door to a story that touches us all. It tells of God’s boundless love, the trust that carries us through challenges, and the radiant hope that shines in the coming of Jesus. Look forward to the Prayer Advent Calendar, where you can experience Advent in your living room with Leo and Susanna Bigger. The spirit of Christmas awaits you at our local and weekly celebrations – from the touching and contemplative Candlelight Celebration to the unique Christmas Experience – you, your friends and family are welcome!

Power of Words
20. October – 24. November 2024

Living in God's Fullness
8. September – 13. October 2024

Signs of the times
11. August – 1. September 2024

Signs of the times: A series that provides answers to the burning questions of our time and shows how we can live fearlessly and positively change our environment. Learn how biblical figures like Elijah and Paul deal with mental health and what Daniel from the Bible would say about cancel culture. The series encourages us to live a culture of the Kingdom of God in our everyday lives and to seek our true identity in God.

Summer Celebrations – 2024 (EN)
14. July – 4. August 2024

Summer is here: time to enjoy life, experience community, and look forward to the Summer Celebrations! We have invited various international guest speakers, and each of them has a compelling message in store – and just for us! The Celebrations will be as diverse, joyful and fresh as the guests. This is the summer at ICF.

Send Revival – The Seven Letters
26. May – 7. July 2024

Immerse yourself with us in an exciting sermon series on the seven letters of Revelation! Together we will explore how we can find our way back to the first love, how we can develop complete trust in God and how we can boldly spread the gospel. This series is an invitation to seek God's will personally and collectively and to grow in our faith. Join us as we explore the challenges and encouragements of the Epistles and discover how they can inspire us today!

Holy Spirit Sunday EN
31. May 2020 – 19. May 2024

At Pentecost, we deal with the question: How can we give more space to the Holy Spirit? Not as theory, but practically in everyday life.

All you need is love_EN
14. April – 5. May 2024

In our series "All You Need is Love" we delve into the essence of happy relationships. Love is more than just a feeling; it's a conscious decision to commit to each other every day. Let's explore together how we can strengthen our relationships through love and how Jesus exemplifies this. Because ultimately, that's exactly what we all need: love.

3. March – 7. April 2024

I am disappointed with so much. Disappointed by the world. Disappointed with life. Disappointed by people. Disappointed by institutions. Disappointed by my church. Disappointed by God. Again and again people turn their back on others, leave the church or even turn away from God - a reason is disappointment. In the series before Easter, we want to address situations that are really disappointing and start looking whether we can also find Jesus in these situations.

Dream like never before
7. January – 4. February 2024

At the start of the new year, we will use the Josefs story from the Bible to discover how to find and realize God's dream for your own life. In this preaching series you learn through practical steps to recognize God's leadership and to change your life radically. Become part of this inspiring journey and discover God's dream for you like never before!

Christmas Celebrations (EN)
10. – 17. December 2023

Our highlight every Sunday – the Celebrations – our weekly church service. And it can be a little different: loud, cheerful, and passionate, and during the Advent of course Christmassy. Both online and on site, we ring in the Christmas season together and celebrate Advent with Sundays that are rich in variety.

End Times
29. October – 26. November 2023

For the current occasion, we take up the events around Israel and the Middle East conflict to show biblical prophecies and principles. The thread forms the thoughts that we live in end -time conditions and therefore want to live in peace with God, vigilant and awakened. We confess color, position ourselves on the side of God. His plans may not always be understandable, but they are good and for us humans.

17. September – 8. October 2023

In the series "Detox," we will explore how to strengthen ourselves in difficult life situations, identify and cope with suppressed emotions, accept change, and find emotional stability during times of crisis. We want to discover how God is very close to us in all these moments.

20. August – 10. September 2023

What does it mean to trust God? In the "Trust" series, we embark on a journey from discovering our personal place of blessing to the amazing truth that even our enemies can bless us. We will learn how God leads us through challenges and growth opportunities to upgrade our faith and experience deep joy in believing in Him.

Summer Celebrations – 2023 (EN)
23. July – 13. August 2023

Summer is here: time to enjoy life, experience community, and look forward to the Summer Celebrations! We have invited various international guest speakers, and each of them has a compelling message in store - and just for us! The Celebrations will be as diverse, joyful and fresh as the guests. This is the summer at ICF.

Jesus First (EN)
4. June – 16. July 2023

Jesus makes the claim to come first in our lives! The gospels show Jesus not simply as a nice friend and saviour, but also as the Lord who makes challenging and even offensive demands on us. Are you ready to put Jesus first in all areas of your life?

Happy Relationships
24. April – 14. May 2023

In today's world, where relationships are often marked by conflict, breakups, and broken hearts, it can be hard to find sustainable and happy relationships. But as Christians, we believe that God created relationships to strengthen, support, and encourage one another. So in our message series on happy relationships, we want to focus on the values and principles God has given us in His Word to improve and strengthen our relationships. We want to look at how we as Christians can shape our relationships in ways that bring joy, peace, and fulfillment.

5. March – 9. April 2023

Today we face many different controversial issues. How do these relate to the Bible and Jesus Christ? In this sermon series, we want to get to the bottom of things and discover the heartbeat of Jesus on these topics.

Read the Bible like never before!
8. January – 5. February 2023

Almost all of us have had experiences with reading the Bible. For some it is truly enriching, but for others reading the scriptures is nothing but torture. But God reveals Himself in the Bible and an encounter with Him is always comforting, encouraging, and helpful. In the Bible, God reveals His heart and speaks directly to us. This sermon series is designed to encourage you to get to know our great God even better and to marvel at what He has already done and still promises to do in your life today.

Amazing Sunday
10. February 2019 – 1. January 2023

Es ist immer wieder schön, dass wir unterschiedliche Speaker bei uns haben. Von bekannten Gesichtern bis hin zu Guest Speakern aus aller Welt, die das ICF Zürich besuchen und zu uns sprechen. Auch diesen Sonntag heissen wir einen von ihnen herzlich willkommen in unserer Kirche.

The Story of Christmas (2022) EN
27. November – 25. December 2022

The eternal story of Christmas is full of unexpected mysteries. One story, so often told. Yet the trust in God, the love of God for all people and the adoration of Jesus are deeply rooted in it. Every day you can experience the Christmas story with Leo and Susanna Bigger in your living room in a welcoming, authentic, and practical way. The weekly online and on-site celebrations are filled with Advent atmosphere, rousing gospel worship, the touching and contemplative Candlelight Celebration and our highlight - the unique Christmas Experience. Christmas Season - your Christmas time at ICF.

Angels 2.0
30. October – 20. November 2022

Some things in the Bible seem unusual to us. For example, in this day and age angels are more a part of Christmas or small painted figurines. But the spiritual world is still real today, and angels have an impact on us. In this sermon series we will find out why God commissions them and how they can give us security and guidance.

25. September – 23. October 2022

Many people desire God to perform a miracle in their lives. But sometimes it feels like God does nothing. The Bible is full of accounts of people who asked God for a miracle and saw it happen. What can we learn from them and what is our part in this? An exciting sermon series to help you experience God's miracles in your surroundings.

People who challenge
21. August – 18. September 2022

We all know them: challenging people. The negative neighbor or the critical co-worker. People who trigger something in us and whom we would prefer to avoid. How can we live with these people and show them God's love? A very practical sermon series on how to live together on good terms.

Summer Celebrations 2022 (EN)
17. July – 14. August 2022

Summer is here: time to enjoy life, experience fellowship and look forward to the Summer Celebrations! We have invited various international guest speakers and each one of them is bring a powerful message along in their luggage – and that especially for us! The Celebrations will be as diverse, joyful and fresh as the guests. This is summer in ICF.

The Holy Spirit
5. June – 10. July 2022

The Bible speaks of the Holy Spirit as the person in the trinity who helps and equips us, stands by our sides and works in us. However, many people do not know how to interact with the Holy Spirit or what it means to have him living within them. There is so much to discover about how the Holy Spirit is and what he is prepared to give us.

1. – 22. May 2022

God created us with emotions. For some this is a burden and for others the greatest joy. Emotions often reveal a deeper need, but acting on them alone often leads you in the wrong direction. In this sermon series you will hear about what God's idea for our emotions is and how they move us forward in life.

6. March – 17. April 2022

We want to be closer to Jesus. We want more of Jesus. We have had enough of being average and need a new momentum in our lives with God. Jesus gave His all in a radical way so we can experience precisely this. In the messages we will discover creative, challenging, and practical ways to give ourselves and our lives to Jesus radically and uncompromisingly.

Vision Sunday
9. August 2015 – 28. February 2022

Live like never before
2. January – 6. February 2022

"There is a perfect example for our life: Jesus. But following him is often easier said than done. What is important in life and how can you actively shape it? Why does God give you so much personal responsibility and freedom that you can fill? How can we become more like Jesus and live a healthy discipleship for years? In this sermon series, we want to look at the areas of faith, relationships, health, resources & work through the lens of the Bible."

The Story of Christmas (2021) EN
28. November – 19. December 2021

The Celebrations will be filled with superb Gospel Worship by Noel Robinson, our highlight – the unique Christmas Experience and on the Christmas weekend, the festive Candlelight Celebration. The Story Of Christmas – Christmas time at ICF.

31. October – 21. November 2021

Some things in the Bible seem unusual to us. For example, for us today the whole subject of angels is more a matter of Christmas or small painted figures. But the spiritual world is still real today, and angels have an impact on us. In this sermon series we will find out why God commissions them and how they can give us security and guidance.

God’s Will
17. – 24. October 2021

Discerning God's will often seems quite difficult. What does God mean and where can we find this in the Bible? What effects can it have if we understand God correctly and act according to his instructions? An exciting series with many practical tips.

Uncomfortable truths
19. September – 10. October 2021

When reading the Bible, many topics can be found on which various statements are made. For example, is a woman allowed to preach and lead in the church? How do you deal with pressure and anger in your life? Is it okay to end a friendship? And how do you deal with these various statements and what do you do when a statement does not correspond to your own ideas? In this series we are going to look at how to deal with various statements. And maybe you will also come across one or the other uncomfortable truth causing you to reflect on it anew.

Divine Principles
15. August – 12. September 2021

Sale and harvesting is a constantly repeating process. Something small creates something big. If we give 10% of our income, which belongs to the church as a whole God anyway, we create big. From this proportion we give to the church with all other people from the church, we can bring together a big harvest together. Of course, it's not just about money, but God gives every one of us a seed, an idea we can plant. It also makes God a little big.

Summer of Revival 2021 (EN)
25. July – 8. August 2021

We all have relationships and friendships. However, it is not always easy to live them. We want fulfilling and healthy partnerships, as well as real friendships. But what do they look like and how do you get there God is the origin of all community. It is his wish that we live in love for one another. But how does that work in practice? Embark on an exciting journey of discovery.

Healthy Relationships
13. June – 11. July 2021

We all have relationships and friendships. However, it is not always easy to live them. We want fulfilling and healthy partnerships, as well as real friendships. But what do they look like and how do you get there? God is the origin of all community. It is his wish that we live in love for one another. But how does that work in practice? Embark on an exciting journey of discovery.

Words have power
25. April – 16. May 2021

The Bible describes how God created the earth by His words. His word has power, but what about our words? What effect do the things we say have on others? What impact do our words have on ourselves and those around us? In this series, we will discover how our words can gain power to shape relationships, heal, and make lasting changes in our lives.

28. February – 28. March 2021

Not only are the years of our calendar based on Him, but He is also found throughout the Bible: Jesus Christ. We are setting out to search for this Jesus. We are going on a biblical journey to explore that Jesus can be found in all the different stories: from the story of creation to Revelation. How do the Old and New Testaments fit together? Let's discover how Jesus Christ can be found on every page of the Bible.

Pray like never before
3. January – 7. February 2021

Have you already made up your mind to pray countless times, but you can't? Are you longing for a deeper relationship with our great God, but somehow it doesn't work out that well? Then you are in the right place HERE! “Need teaches to pray!” They say. Many can probably subscribe to that. Who has never found themselves in a difficult situation, perhaps even on their knees, and sent a more or less heartfelt prayer to heaven? Prayer is much more than just an SOS emergency call system to get in touch with God. Prayer doesn't have to be boring. On the contrary: it is one of the most powerful and beautiful things in life with God!

Christmas Season EN
29. November – 27. December 2020

The eternal story of Christmas is full of unexpected secrets. A story that has been told so often. But trust in God, God's love for people and adoration for Jesus are deeply rooted there. You can read the Christmas story with Leo and Susanna Bigger every day Experience approachable, authentic and practical in your living room. The weekly celebrations online and on site are filled with an Advent atmosphere, rousing gospel worship, the touching and contemplative candlelight celebration and our highlight - the unique Christmas experience.

Strategies of the Devil ...and how we can see through them
18. October – 22. November 2020

The Bible speaks of the devil fighting against us and attacking us. However, he has strategies that can be exposed. So instead of fearing him, it is now time to stand up and remember that through Jesus Christ we have authority to overcome. This series is about the true freedom that God gives us!

The Secret of a fulfilled life
6. September – 11. October 2020

We all desire to have a fulfilled life. We desire that God will keep His promises. Based on the biblical story of David, we want to discover the secrets of his fulfilled life. Because through him we can see how his deep "roots" in God brought forth fruit in his life.

Children not Servants
9. – 30. August 2020

One of the most powerful parables told by Jesus, is about the prodigal son. From this parable we can learn that we are not servants of God - we are children. What does this mean for our identity, authority and standing before God, is part of this sermon series.

Summer of Revival EN
19. July – 2. August 2020

Summer is here: time to enjoy life, to experience community, and to look forward to the Summer Celebrations! We have invited a number of international guest speakers, and each of them has a compelling message in the luggage - and the extra just for us! So different, cheerful and fresh as the guests also the Celebrations will be. This is the summer in the ICF.

Heart of Worship EN
7. June – 12. July 2020

There is an incredible power when people worship God with their whole hearts. We can only marvel at all the things that can happen. In this series we want to take a closer look at the mystery of worship so that everyone can witness that God is alive and can be experienced.

Crises - how they can turn into opportunities
19. April – 24. May 2020

We have all experienced moments when difficulties and crises come into our lives. "Why is this happening to me? What have I done to deserve this?" How can we cope with such situations? How can we become stronger through such times? In this current and exciting message series we will discover what God's thoughts are on the difficulties in life.

8. March – 12. April 2020

During the weeks before Easter, we want to acquire a deeper understanding of this fundamental event of our faith, get to know Jesus better and experience how His loving deed on the cross can change our lives forever. In our Celebrations, we will take a closer look at ‚The Lamb of God‘. A new era begins for all the world through the blood of The Lamb.

5. January – 9. February 2020

Stell dir vor, dein Glaube versetzt Berge, die Beziehungen zu deinen Mitmenschen sind geprägt von deiner selbstlosen Liebe und hast tiefen Frieden und Annahme dir und deiner eigenen Identität (Gesundheit) gegenüber. Dein göttlicher Umgang mit deinen Ressourcen. So wie Jesus 5000 und mehr gesättigt hat mit zwei Broten und fünf Fischen! Dort, wo Gott dich gesetzt hat, gestaltest du - deinem Schöpfer gleich - dein Umfeld durch deine Arbeit mit göttlicher Wirkung! In dieser Serie möchten wir gemeinsam anschauen, wie wir in den verschiedenen Bereichen Jesus ähnlicher werden können.

The Story of Christmas (2019)
1. – 22. December 2019

Die ewige Geschichte von Weihnachten steckt voller unerwarteter Geheimnisse. Eine Geschichte, so oft erzählt. Doch das Vertrauen in Gott, die Liebe Gottes zu den Menschen und die Anbetung zu Jesus sind dort tief verwurzelt. Die Celebrations sind gefüllt mit mitreißendem Gospel Worship, unserem Highlight – der einzigartigen Christmas Experience und an Weihnachten, der berührend-besinnlichen Candlelight Celebration. The Story of Christmas – Deine Weihnachtszeit im ICF.

20. October – 24. November 2019

Die Bibel ist Gottes Wort. Aber es sind nicht einfach nur Wörter, die wir lesen. Gott bringt durch den Heiligen Geist, Leben durch diese Wörter zu uns. Doch was heißt das nun? Kann ich durch die Bibel Gottes Stimme hören? Wie kann ich die Bibel verstehen? Kann die Bibel mein Leben verändern? Genau diesen Fragen wollen wir uns bei dieser Serie widmen und herausfinden, welches Fundament Gottes Wort in unserem Leben haben kann. Und natürlich auch, wie die Bibel unseren Alltag beeinflussen könnte.

Gott begegnen
11. August – 6. October 2019

Es ist immer ein Geschenk, Gott zu begegnen und Gemeinschaft mit ihm zu erleben. Doch manchmal fällt es einem im Alltag schwer, sich auf Gott einzulassen. Die Bibel beschreibt im Alten Testament, dass Gott bei seinem Volk im Zelt der Begegnung wohnt. Es ist das Heiligtum Gottes. Hier konnten sich die Israeliten Gott nähern. Die Bedeutung der “Stiftshütte” gibt uns auch heute noch Impulse wie wir Gott täglich begegnen können.

14. July – 4. August 2019

Der Sommer ist da: Zeit das Leben zu geniessen, Gemeinschaft zu erleben, und sich auf die Summer Celebrations zu freuen! Wir haben verschiedene internationale Guestspeakers eingeladen, und jeder von ihnen hat eine überzeugende Message im Gepäck – und das extra nur für uns! So unterschiedlich, fröhlich und frisch wie die Gäste werden auch die Celebrations sein. Das ist der Sommer im ICF.

Focus Sundays
9. June – 7. July 2019

Als Kirche sind wir in den verschiedensten Bereichen aktiv, um unsere Vision nachzukommen. An diesen Sonntagen möchten wir verschiedene Themen in den Fokus setzen. Denn schon eine kleine Veränderung des eigenen Fokus, kann den Glauben und das Denken erweitern und zum Aufblühen bringen.

Zwischen uns
28. April – 26. May 2019

Wir alle wünschen uns außergewöhnlich gute Beziehungen. Stabil, liebevoll, voller Spaß und Vertrauen. Die gute Nachricht ist: Großartige Beziehungen sind möglich! Sie sind aber nicht einfach zu erreichen, wenn wir versuchen, sie mit nur gewöhnlichen Mitteln zu erreichen. In dieser Serie werden wir zusammen trainieren, Konflikte nicht als Bedrohung, sondern als Weg zu sehen um außergewöhnlich guten Beziehungen zu leben.

10. March – 14. April 2019

Ostern ist der zentrale Punkt in unserem Glauben. Denn dort hat Jesus aus Liebe alles gegeben, um Gemeinschaft zu schaffen. Doch was heisst das konkret? Wer war und ist Jesus Christus wirklich? Wie kann sein Wirken heute in unserem Leben ein aktiver Teil werden? Wir beschäftigen uns in dieser Serie mit den sieben „Ich bin“ - Worten von Jesus und wollen ihm auf die Spur gehen.

Free at Last
6. January – 3. February 2019

Das Ziel von Jesus ist es, uns in die Freiheit zu führen. Warum also gibt es in unserem Leben Bereiche, in denen wir diese volle Freiheit nicht erleben? Was haben unsere Verhaltensmuster mit der unsichtbaren Welt zu tun? Wie fühlt sich ein befreites und erfülltes Leben an?

Incredible Sundays
1. January 2017 – 30. December 2018

28. October – 25. November 2018

Wir alle wünschen uns gute Beziehungen. Also lasst uns drüber reden. Denn mit einer guten Kommunikation beginnt alles. Die Bibel steckt voll von göttlichen Prinzipien für Freundschaften, Beziehungen, Ehe und Sex. Denn Gott ist der Erfinder von all dem und wünscht sich, dass wir aufblühen und echte Gemeinschaft erleben.

17. May 2015 – 3. November 2019

Best of Summer
22. July – 5. August 2018

Der Sommer ist da: Zeit das Leben zu geniessen, Gemeinschaft zu erleben, und sich auf die Summer Celebrations zu freuen! Wir haben verschiedene internationale Guestspeakers eingeladen, und jeder von ihnen hat eine überzeugende Message im Gepäck – und das extra nur für uns! So unterschiedlich, fröhlich und frisch wie die Gäste werden auch die Celebrations sein. Das ist der Sommer im ICF.

20. May – 8. July 2018

Als Kirche ist es unsere Leidenschaft, dass Menschen Jesus Christus ähnlicher werden, furchtlos leben und ihr Umfeld positiv verändern. Die Bibel beschreibt die Kirche als ein einzigartiger Zusammenschluss von Menschen, in dem Gott wirkt und Wunder tut. Mit so unterschiedlichen Menschen, die eines gemeinsam haben: Jesus Christus im Zentrum. Wir werden staunen, wenn wir sehen, was Gott noch alles durch uns als Kirche tun wird. Denn die Kirche ist seine Idee.

Voice of God
15. April – 6. May 2018

Gott spricht. Kannst du ihn hören? Hörst du ihn klar und verständlich? Seine nie endende Stimme ist oft begraben im Lärm der Zeit. Seine Worte wirken verloren in den vielen Ablenkungen, die uns umgeben. Eine Serie, um Gottes Stimme kennen zu lernen, besser zu verstehen und zu staunen, wie Gott zu jeden von uns spricht.

25. February – 9. April 2018

Ostern ist für viele bloss ein schönes Frühlingsfest. Jedoch ist der Ursprung von Ostern so kraftvoll und relevant für alle Menschen. Wir feiern in dieser Zeit, dass Jesus Christus für uns starb und auferstand. Dadurch ist etwas unfassbares passiert. In dieser Serie wollen wir uns auf die letzten 24 Stunden im Leben von Jesus einlassen. Der Tod von Jesus am Kreuz ist dabei nicht das Ende, sondern der Beginn von etwas ganz Neuem. Für jeden von uns. - “Ich lebe und ihr sollt auch leben.” Johannes 14,19

Daniel - Take a Stand
7. January – 18. February 2018

Daniel lebte in einem fremden Land und stand für seine Werte ein - unabhängig von den zu erwarteten Folgen. Ihm war es wichtig, seinen Überzeugungen treu zu bleiben und Gott mit ganzem Herzen nachzufolgen. Auch wir stehen oft unter Druck, sehen in manchen Situationen keinen Ausweg oder fragen uns, was jetzt richtig wäre. Anhand der Geschichte von Daniel aus der Bibel wollen wir verstehen, was Gott tun kann, wenn Glaube und Kultur aufeinander treffen.

The Story of Christmas (2017)
3. – 17. December 2017

Die ewige Geschichte von Weihnachten steckt voller unerwarteter Geheimnisse. Eine Geschichte, so oft erzählt. Doch die Nähe und die Liebe Gottes sind dort tief verwurzelt. Die Celebrations gefüllt mit mitreißenden Gospel von RAII & Whitney, kraftvollem Worship mit Martin Smith und weiteren spannenden Gästen. Und als Highlight zu Weihnachten, die einzigartige Christmas Experience. Sowie jeden Tag vom 1.-24. Dezember auf StarTV - die Weihnachtsgeschichte frischer frecher fröhlicher erzählt. - Die Weihnachtszeit im ICF.

24. September – 8. October 2017

Jeder Mensch wünscht sich ein erfülltes und gesegnetes Leben. So auch Jakob. Er versuchte die Verheißungen Gottes auf Biegen und Brechen vorschnell zu erhalten. Dabei machte er viele Fehler. Wenn man einzelne Kapitel seines Lebens betrachtet, könnte man voreilig falsche Schlüsse ziehen.Doch seine Geschichte war noch nicht zu Ende geschrieben...

Holy Spirit
13. August – 17. September 2017

Die Bibel spricht vom Heiligen Geist, als die Person der Dreieinigkeit, die uns hilft, beisteht, begabt und in uns wirkt. Doch viele Menschen wissen nicht, wie sie mit dem Heiligen Geist überhaupt interagieren können oder was es bedeutet, dass er in ihnen lebt. Denn es gibt soviel zu entdecken, wie der Heilige Geist ist und was er für uns bereit hält.

Summer Celebration
12. July 2015 – 6. August 2017

11. June – 16. July 2017

You make me brave
2. October – 20. November 2016

Jeder hat es sicherlich einmal erlebt, dass man es nicht geschafft hat, zu seinen Überzeugungen, Werten, zu sich selbst oder auch zu Gott zu stehen. Die Angst vor möglichen Folgen war einfach zu präsent. Die Bibel ist gefüllt von Geschichten von mutigen Männern und Frauen, die in ihrem Umfeld trotz Schwierigkeiten aufgestanden sind. Gott wird auch uns Mut geben. Denn es lohnt sich!

The Parable of the vine
21. August – 25. September 2016

Adventure of a Lifetime
3. – 18. July 2016

Ein spannendes und erfülltes Leben ist das, was man sich wünscht. Was wäre, wenn ein Abenteuer auf dich wartet, welches dein ganzes Leben verändern könnte? Was wäre, wenn dein Leben ein Teil einer atemberaubende Geschichte wäre, die schon lange begann? Was wäre, wenn Gott dir dabei ganz anders begegnete, als du dir das bis jetzt vorgestellt hast? Was wäre, wenn das Abenteuer heute beginnen würde? In dieser Serie nimmt uns Manuel Schmid mit auf eine spannende Reise durch die Bibel. Er ist Teaching Pastor vom ICF Movement und ICF Basel.

22. May – 26. June 2016

Die Geschichte Jakobs Jeder Mensch wünscht sich ein erfülltes und gesegnetes Leben. So auch Jakob. Obwohl er sich seinen Fehlern und Schwächen bewusst war, suchte er trotzdem ständig nach Erfüllung und Segen. Das Leben von Jakob war alles andere als vorbildlich, aber Gott segnete ihn. Manchmal stehen wir uns selber im Weg, wenn es darum geht, ein gesegnetes Leben zu führen. Wie können wir mitten in unserem Alltag und den Umständen Gottes Segen erfahren?

Pray and Wonder
23. August – 27. September 2015
Live Experience
Our Highlight every Sunday are the Celebrations – our weekly church services. And we want them to be something different: loud, joyful and passionate. Come and visit us, we look forward to welcoming you.